Life Path Profiles

Life Path Profiles

Insights for your life’s journey…


In addition to my work as singer/songwriter, I have been offering spiritually-oriented consultations for the past 30 years.

When I was studying for my masters degree in transpersonal psychology in the early 80’s, I learned how to work with a system that offers rich insights about the nature of one’s journey through life.

I was deeply affected by these insights. I felt as if the complex experiences of my life had been given a name, a shape and a context. It was like being given an extraordinary map; one that has proven to be a priceless and precious resource for navigating my life’s journey.

For many years I offered these insights to clients in private readings, and was moved and delighted to see how they resonated with and inspired them. I love being useful, and it was a real joy to be able to share the insights that have been so powerful in my own life.

In 2004, I was inspired to put these insights into writing and offer what I call a Life Path Profile. I love being able to offer the insights in this format, as it allows me to make them available to anyone in the world, as a tangible and lasting resource. I’ve been touched and gratified by the feedback I’ve received over the years from people who deeply value having the Life Path content to support them in their life’s journey.

Ultimately, as with my songs, my intent in offering the Life Path Profiles is to support the deepening of self-acceptance and inner peace. If you are inspired to order a Profile, I hope it will be a gift of lasting value.

Note: The information offered in the Profiles has its roots in the systems of tarot, numerology and astrology. If you are, for any reason, uncomfortable with these systems, it is likely that the Life Path Profile will not be a good fit for you.