“Foster Care”

Kandice Jones – Therapeutic Foster Care

I am a mental health therapist working with highly traumatized children in therapeutic foster care. Most are in foster care or early adoptive placements after transitioning from our Therapeutic Foster Care program. Most have suffered severe parental abuse and neglect in their very tender years.

I have found your music both inspiring to myself in my own healing journey and highly effective for the children and families in my program. Oftentimes music reaches them on a safer/deeper level when speaking the words may be too frightening for them. I frequently use it in my attachment work between foster/adoptive/biological parents and their children during therapeutic activities that include nurturing and holding by the current caregiver. It not only evokes strong emotions in the children, but also in the parents and myself as we feel intense sadness for the children’s past loss and wonderful hope for their future.

I would highly recommend your music to other mental health professionals working with traumatized persons, but find it especially powerful for children who have developed major problems building trust and attachments in those who want to give them love and help them heal.

Kandice Jones, LMSW
Primary Therapist, Therapeutic Foster Care Program

Mid-South Health Systems, Inc.: a comprehensive, private, non profit community mental health center that provides services to the residents of seven counties in Arkansas.

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