“Breast Cancer: Joan Kleinke, Ed.D/Image Reborn”

I was introduced to the music of Shaina Noll at an Image Reborn breast cancer retreat in Park City, Utah. I had lost both breasts to pre-cancer, my twin sister had died from breast cancer, and my mother was a breast cancer survivor. I had experienced 28 years of severe health problems culminating in extensive neurosurgery to decompress the spinal cord in my neck, which had been crippling my body slowly and methodically for many years.

Even though it had been 11 years since my breast surgery, I realized that I had not finished accepting my disfigurement, so attended the breast cancer retreat. As part of the retreat the group leader played the song “How Could Anyone” from Shaina’s album Songs For The Inner Child. This song was so powerful that it captured my aching heart! The song spoke to me so deeply that I asked the leader if I could borrow the album that night in order to listen to what I called “songs of the heart”. Each song spoke deeply to my soul. I was so impressed with the album that I asked the leader to play another song for the group. Their hearts were captured as well. Ten women who had struggled so with the devastation of cancer were touched and received peace, acceptance, and hope from the songs they heard.

Shaina’s songs also have the ability to reconnect our hearts to God. Thanks to Shaina’s generosity the cancer support group now has copies of her album. Her new album You Can Relax Now is as powerful as Songs For The Inner Child. Shaina’s gift of music and song has the ability to accurately depict the feelings of our spiritual and emotional journeys. Her albums carry with them peace and comfort and bring hope in times when hope feels elusive. Shaina, I feel blessed by your generosity and God’s gift of song. Thank you for sharing it with us!

Joan Kleinke, Ed.D
Image Reborn: The Renewal Retreat for Women with Breast Cancer that Joan references above.

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