“Deepening Inner Peace: Kathy B. – Massachusetts”

During a Reiki session years ago, I quite unexpectedly received a profound inner healing while listening to a most beautiful CD. Each song was just as healing as the one preceeding it. The music, the voice, the words were like balm to my soul. I then immediately purchased the CD, “Songs For The Inner Child” by Shaina Noll.

I could not stop playing the CD over and over again, and now use it as a Music Meditation. I have shared it with my friends who had similar experiences and reactions.

Since then, I have given a quantity of  “Songs For The Inner Child” CD’s to my friend, Mary, who gives them away at her job, a Center for battered women, incest and rape survivors.

I have also given many copies to a friend who is a prison minister. She distributes them to prisons throughout the US, and in the West Indies, as well as to nursing homes, hospitals, lower income housing developments and through her street ministry. She states that the songs “bring comfort and healing to many hurting hearts”.

In sharing the songs with members of 12-step programs, I came across a woman who mentioned that she had done all of the steps many times over the years, but had never experienced the presence of a personal Creator. I keep some Songs For The Inner Child CD’s in the trunk of my car for such an occasion, and upon handing her one, mentioned that many people feel such a connection when listening to these wonderful songs. The very next day I received a message on my answering machine. She was in tears—grateful, joyful tears, saying that she instantly, and for the first time, felt this Presence. She felt comforted and connected at long last.

Thank you, Shaina, for allowing me the sacred honor of sharing your gifts with a hurting planet.

In Peace and Love,

Kathy B.

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