“Kelly Schneid, Reiki Master”

Hi Shaina,

I found your music unexpectedly and of course, when I needed it.  I have been working on healing myself and my inner child for a couple of decades now and your music enters every atom and cell of my heart.  I am a Reiki Master and use your music while doing healings.  I tell my clients to listen to the words as I work on them and it greatly enhances the healing process.

I was 6 when my father died unexpectedly.  My older brother and I were not allowed to go to the funeral, discuss the issue let alone grieve.  From then on I went from a normal, loving childhood to one of neglect and every form of abuse you can think of done to a child.  I now know I wouldn’t be able to do the work I do without that background.  But, I still look for tools to help myself and I teach those ways to others.  I have been advising people music is a gift from God.  Your voice and songs certainly prove that

Your statement that these songs are for adults who were not sung too as a child hit a huge chord with me.  My father was the singer in the family and his loss was a loss of beautiful music in so many ways.  God bless you for bringing what I believe to be his thoughts and what he would say to me, back to me in the way he would.

Love and Light,


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