“Songs for My Ministry: Jackie”

Hello Shaina,

You asked for a description of how your songs are used in my ministry and outreaches.  There are so many ways!  I work in schools as an “encourager” for children who are struggling with grief and/or emotional issues.  The first two songs of Songs for the Inner Child are very appropriate for some of the affirmation activities I offer.  For example, next week I’ll be helping a second grade class form appreciation candles for their loved ones.  We will use your music as background as they form their candles. This keeps the children quietly centered on their special person.

During grief support sessions for children, I’ve played your songs as the children and their families quietly lit candles in memory of their loved one(s).  It is such a tender way to say, “I love you and remember you.”

I’ve used your music during Hospice/Caregiving retreats.  The songs resonate well when we pause to recognize bonding that happens with those we have served.  I actually use your music during many other transitional and/or celebratory retreat experiences as well.

Many times I sit and ponder, “What’s the most loving thing I can offer to someone celebrating a birthday, anniversary graduation, etc?”  I’m often prayerfully prompted to send one of your CD’s.  I’ve received heartfelt responses when I do. I also feel reassured that a part of Spirit’s love (and mine) is with them, even when I can’t be physically present.  The songs seem to speak to the very core of one’s being.

Once I sent two of your CD’s (Songs for the Inner Child and You Can Relax Now) to a woman who was nearing the end of a long struggle with Parkinsons.  She played your songs right up to her very last moments of life.

I sent a copy of Songs for The Inner Child to a youth minister in inner city Rochester, New York.  I was fortunate enough to be in the community when the teens returned from their summer outreach.   They summarized their experience by singing your song to their welcoming parish.

Your truly are a conduit of God’s love–in more ways than we can ever imagine!
“I really am liking to share in your world”!


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