“A Service for the LGBT Community: Marge O’Gorman”

I have loved the song “How Can Anyone” since I was first introduced to it.  A woman who went to the United Nations Women’s Conference in Beijing in 1995 told me about it.  I went out and got a copy of your tape right away and have used it with women’s groups in the past.

At the end of October, we are going to have a prayer service Honoring Victims of Violence, to remember those who have died from homophobic violence.  This prayer service is being sponsored by our four Catholic churches in St. Louis who provide outreach to the lesbian and gay community.  Again I thought of your song, so we are using it to offer support, affirmation and healing to the LGBT community as we pray for those who have suffered from hate crimes and pledge ourselves to end discrimination and violence.

Thanks for making it available to us.

Marge O’Gorman, FSM
Friendship and Justice (Ministry)
3854 Flad Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110
314-776-0364 FAX

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