Bread for the Journey by Shaina Noll

How Personal Are The Profiles?

The Profiles are as personal and encompassing as I can make them without knowing your story, or directly addressing your questions. You can think of your Profile as being like a sketch, with the detail and dimensionality added as you weave the insights in with your own life experience.

For many people, the information in the profile offers sufficient insight. For others, a follow-up phone session with me is a way to take the information in the Profile and expand on it by personalizing and deepening the content.

In the introduction to your Profile, I encourage you to feel free to take what is useful, supportive and relevant from the information offered, and disregard any of the content that is not a good fit for you. And, again, there is always the opportunity to personalize the material through a follow-up phone session with me. If I have information from you about your personal story, current issues and challenges, it is easy for me to take the material to a deeper and more personal level.


© Singing Heart Productions 2002 - 2011

Website designed, created and maintained
by Richard Noll, Singing Heart Designs