Bread for the Journey by Shaina Noll

What Is The Source Of the Information In My Life Path Profile?

The cornerstone of this work was taught to me by Angeles Arrien, when I was a student at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in the early 80’s. Angeles was a faculty member and my advisor. She was, to the best of my knowledge, the first person to look at the Tarot cards as universal symbols relevant across time and culture, with practical, inspiring insights to offer, as opposed to being simply tools of fortune-telling.

She developed a particular system that combines numerology and tarot (with influences from astrology as well) to offer a particular view of one’s soul, personality and life journey year-by-year.

My Life Path Profiles have evolved over the years into my own personal form of what I learned from Angeles. My work has been deeply influenced by my observations over the years, the stories I’ve heard and feedback I’ve received from people I have done readings for, and my own experience tracking my Life Path, Cycles and Years for 25 years. My own intuitive/psychic attunement to the material also plays a part in my creation of the Profiles.


© Singing Heart Productions 2002 - 2011

Website designed, created and maintained
by Richard Noll, Singing Heart Designs