Bread for the Journey by Shaina Noll

Bread For The Journey by Shaina Noll Cover Image
Current Year Sample

This year references the number 8, the Tarot Symbol “Adjustment/Justice” and the astrological sign of Libra.

Key Concepts
  • Balance
  • Harmony
  • Fairness
  • Clarity
  • Healing

Opportunities (First two paragraphs)

This year always follows a year of high energy and change. It is a time to realign, rebalance, reassess energy levels and find a new order of give and take, input and output in your life.

You are likely, as you move through this year, to find yourself with a deep desire for more balance and harmony in your life. It may be that the changes of the past year have left you tired and in need of restoration of your physical energy. It may be that there are things in your home or office that need to be adjusted for optimal functioning and support of your work and personal life. It may be that there are fundamental adjustments needed in significant relationships in order for them to reflect the changes you have been through in recent times.


Challenges (First three paragraphs)

Some people come into this year seriously depleted. If you have neglected the feeding and support of your own energy, you are likely to find yourself confronting the consequences at this time. One of the gifts this year offers is to illuminate for you where you are overextended.

If this is a relatively minor issue in your life, you are still likely to find yourself awakening to areas where more balance, or rebalancing is in order. Some people get out of balance through too much analytical thinking and not enough heart in their daily lives. Some work too much and need to carve out regular time for recreation and restoration. Some give too much to the other people in their lives and neglect their own self-care.

Whatever the specifics of the challenges you face this year, they are there as a gift, to illuminate and help you bring to consciousness where greater harmony and balance will support every aspect of your life.


Tools (First tool is shown)

Honest Assessment

You can get a jump-start on the opportunities and challenges of this year by taking an honest assessment of where you feel you stand relative to energy output/input. See if you can get a clear sense of your level of energy and fatigue so the balance, or lack thereof, can be something you face squarely. The more clearly you can take a look at your stress level, at how and where you may be overextended, the more effectively you will be able to set about making the necessary adjustments.



© Singing Heart Productions 2002 - 2011

Website designed, created and maintained
by Richard Noll, Singing Heart Designs